Explore Jungian Psychology with Nicholas Toko
#JungianBitsOfInformation is a Jungian psychoanalytic and psychosocial blog, podcast, events, personal #development, and workplace #transformation service dedicated to exploring the #unconscious in the workplace, specifically, the dynamics between the individual #psyche and the workplace.
Bringing an 'irrational' perspective into the rational workplace.
Services for Individuals, Teams and Organisations >>>
Personal Development⚈ Team Development⚈ Jungian Analysis⚈ HR Transformation⚈ Business Transformation⚈Events⚈

​Jungian Analyst-in-training and
Organisational Effectiveness Consultant
Hello and welcome to my website. I'm Nicholas from London in the United Kingdom.
I am a Jungian Analyst in training at ISAPZurich in Zurich, Switzerland and my private practice is based in London. I provide Jungian analysis under the auspices of training at ISAPZurich and this encompasses the requirement to conduct the #analysis under the supervision of recognised ISAP supervisors.
I'm also a freelance Organisational Effectiveness Consultant. I help organisations to develop and transform their people, processes, organisational structure, #culture and technology, specifically, using Artificial Intelligence and Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERPs).
I have a degree in International Business Studies and Spanish from Brunel University, and a masters degree in Jungian and post-Jungian Studies from the University of Essex, and a postgraduate qualification in Human Resource Management from the University of Westminster and completed an Artificial Intelligence Programme at Said Business School, University of Oxford.
I am a Board Member of the British Association of Psychological Type (BAPT), qualified by the British Psychological Society (BPS) to administer #personality and ability tests and give feedback. I am also qualified to administer the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Big Five Personality Factor or Aspects Test, Occupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ), Gifts Compass Inventory (GCI) and other personality assessments.
What is a Jungian Analyst?
A Jungian Analyst provides therapy to help people who are in distress or have emotional problems.
I am interested in applying Jungian psychology, not just in the therapeutic process, but also in a psychosocial context, specifically to explore individuals and organisations in-depth.
Given the significance of the #unconscious in a Jungian therapeutic process, I also explore the role of the #unconscious in the workplace, specifically the dynamics between an individual's #unconscious and the workplace.
Jungian Therapy, #Analysis, and HR and Business #Transformation
Jungian therapy for individuals. HR & Business #Transformation Services for organisations.

Why I started #JungianBitsOfInformation
From HR to Jungian Psychology: Uncovering the #Unconscious in the Workplace
I have always been curious about the #psyche, #unconscious, #personality and organisations. This curiosity led me to a career in Human Resources where I had an opportunity to see how individuals interact in the workplace and how the dynamics contribute to, or impede, business success.
When I started to study Jungian Psychology, I discovered a unique perspective on individual behaviour, how the #unconscious manifests in people, and its effect on the effectiveness of the organisation. I have also seen how Jungian psychoanalytic therapy can help an individual to overcome emotional difficulties and achieve a sense of wellbeing.
I started #JungianBitsOfInformation because I saw a unique opportunity to bring Jungian and organisational effectiveness theory together. Both theories combine to provide thought provoking insight into, and potential solutions to resolve, common individual and workplace problems.

Jungian psychology or analytical psychology is a broad and complex subject. I want to present Jungian ideas in a way that helps individuals to better understand their #personality, and to help organisations gain a new perspective of common workplace issues.
The #idea of my blog is to analyse #personality and workplace issues from a uniquely Jungian perspective. I stumbled across 'bits of information' as a vague #idea that I wanted to convey vast knowledge through shortened thought provoking insights. A 'bit' (insight) in information theory is the smallest unit of information which has the ability to process and communicate vast amounts of information (in this case analytical or depth psychology).
The hashtag# symbolises the search handle on social media. By typing a key word preceded by a hashtag# within a search field, the results will show any information relevant to the key word. The hashtag# is a useful way to filter a large body of information for the specific knowledge that you are looking for. #JungianBitsOfInformation's aim is to help you to understand Jungian concepts and their rich meanings.
#JungianBitsOfInformation distils Jungian theory so you don’t have to.
The encirclement of the hashtag# also has significance. According to Jungian psychology, a circle is a sign of "#wholeness". #Wholeness is the ultimate goal of #personality #transformation. The process of #transformation involves an in-depth exploration of one's #personality, #psychological type and underlying patterns of behaviour. This can bring a sense of #wholeness in the individual i.e. a new #attitude and vitality.

Why read or listen to my blog or podcast? What's in it for you?

Understand yourself consciously and unconsciously and to leverage the gifts of your #personality for personal or business success.

My blog might be of interest to individuals interested in Jungian ideas, individuals seeking therapy, organisations, entrepreneurs, business leaders, HR and OD practitioners, organizational #transformation practitioners, line managers, AI scientists and engineers, Jungian analysts, psychoanalysts and psychologists.

Whether you are interested in your personal #development or workplace #transformation there will be something for you. A blog, podcast, #personality assessment, #psychoanalysis, counselling or unique expertise to transform your workplace.