I hope you're well. A question for you! What motivates the 'morality police' particularly in societies that require women to cover up? The impact on women can be deadly. There are, of course, many reasons for the highly idealistic, moral views, however, what can Analytical Psychology tell us about the rigid views of the morality police and the archetypal role of the feminine in the history of humanity, society and even the workplace?
For a psychoanalytic perspective check out #JungianBitsofInformation's latest book in our motivational reading list: The Great Mother: An Analysis of the Archetype by Erich Neumann.
Highly recommended reading for an upcoming #JungianBitsofInformation blog about #masculine and #feminine #energy in all of us, #introvertedfeeling expressed in positive and negative ways, and the implications for our behaviour in the workplace.
JBOI Dictionary
biologically determined and the psychoanalytic equivalent i.e the #anima.
biologically determined and the psychoanalytic equivalent i.e the #animus.
natural psychic energy which aims to strike a balance between consciousness and the unconscious in the psyche.
the orientation of feeling, as expressed by introversion, is to value and ideals, an orientation to intensive ideals. The key words that convey how this function is expressed are judging, appraising, establishing the value.
the contrasexual other in the psyche of a man. An inner feminine figure, a psychic image in the unconscious, subliminal to consciousness and functions from within the unconscious.
the contrasexual other in the psyche of a woman. An inner masculine figure, a psychic image in the unconscious, subliminal to consciousness and functions from within the unconscious.